Access All Areas
Access All Areas is docu-series anthology format designed to showcase a deep dive into the behind the scenes lives of some of the most interesting and aspirational businesses and careers across the globe. Each season is a new focal point or spotlight. In season one we focus on a motorsport team.
Access All Areas: Erebus Motorsport is the 2 year journey of trials and tribulations of one of Australia's premier motorsport teams, competing in the Supercars series. The challenges they faced over the Covid-19 pandemic, parting ways with their entire driver line up, hiring 2 rookies, chasing border lockdowns and more, as they navigate Australia's response to Covid, all while maintaining the "family" vibe the team is known for. With the driving force of their billionaire team owner being as eccentric as ever, they push towards wins, losses and heartbreaks, all while making sure the rubber hits the road and that the cameras have no restrictions allowing them to Access All Areas.
Year: 2022
Director: Andrew Jansen